I just wanted to write you to thank you for your help on my resume last fall. I was a student in your Career Management course, and took your advice to heart.
I have had the opportunity to use my elevator speech in real life and I can testify a lot of times you only have a minute or so to make an impression, good or bad. Several months ago, my wife's boss, who is a very successful businessman in Dallas, invited us to a dinner party at his house. At a dinner party, you never know who might be there. After a little while, a woman came over and sat next to me and we began casually talking. She basically gave me the "tell me about yourself line," which thanks to you, I was prepared. We also talked about my plans to start law school in the fall.
It turns out she is the Human Resource Director for a highly successful civil engineering firm. She has taken an interest in my career and wanted to see my resume to see if she could polish it up for me. I then sent the resume to her; within a few days, she returned it and said there was nothing she would change and she was impressed. I don't know if this encounter with her will lead to a job someday but it couldn't hurt.